Sports Premium

School Sports Premium (SSP) Funding

At St Loys we recognise that all young people should have the opportunity to live healthy and active lives. A positive experience in a broad range of sport and physical activity can build a lifetime habit of participation with numerous benefits to physical and mental well being and children’s emotional development.

We also acknowledge that a broad, balanced, high quality curriculum with access to daily and Curriculum Enrichment activities has a positive impact on concentration, attitude and achievement.

What is School Sports Premium Funding?

Since September 2013 the Government has provided annual funding for schools to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) offered. The funding is designed to develop or add to the PESSPA activities schools already offer, in addition, to building capacity and capability within the school ensuring that improvements made are a lasting legacy benefitting pupils joining in future years. Find out more here

At St Loys we have utilised this money in many ways to build capacity and capability within our school by:

  • Hiring specialist PE teachers and sports coaches to work alongside staff when teaching PE
  • Offering new or additional sport clubs and curriculum enrichment
  • Paying for CPD opportunities in PE/sport
  • Running intra-school sport competitions and increasing our participation in the School Games programme
  • Buying quality assured planning and materials/equipment for PE/sport

See our plan for 2023/24 detailing the amount awarded and a full breakdown of spending to date. We are thrilled to be promoting active playtimes once again this year and continue to invest heavily in building capacity and legacy for our school. Take a look at more here

Swimming lessons:

This academic year, the majority of our Year 6 pupils successfully completed their swimming lessons with 92% able to swim at least 25 metres and perform self rescue.

Previous SSP Plans