Rise & Shine and Sundown After School clubs

Rise & Shine Breakfast Club

8am – 8.40 am

Start your day the St.Loys way with Rise & Shine Breakfast Club from 8am, Monday to Friday with Miss Crawford. Great breakfast, great company and a calm beginning to the day… Children are offered a quiet time to play board games, colour or read. A daily choice of breakfast items will be available, including a choice of; cereals, toast & toppings, pancakes, continental and much more.

St Loys Rise & Shine Breakfast club – £4.00

Please complete a Registration Form to enrol your child/ren. A copy of our Rise & Shine Breakfast Club Terms and Conditions can be found here.

Sundown After School Care

Monday: 17th & 24th June, 1st July: Board Games/Lego: 3:30pm – 4pmMiss Crawford

Tuesday: Basketball: 3:30pm – 4:20pm (Yrs 1 – 6) – Hotshots 

Wednesday: 12th, 19th & 26th June: Board Games/Lego: 3:30pm – 4pm – Miss Crawford

Thursday: Dance Club: 3:30pm – 4:30pm – Indie with Love

Please contact the school office for more information. Alternatively, please enrol using our Registration Form and view our Terms & Conditions document.


Board Games/Drawing & Colouring/Lego Sessions – £2.50

Dance club – please contact the office

Hotshots basketball – please contact the office