School Life

Our Day

8:40am – School gates open

8:50am – Bell rings & children line up in year groups

9-9:10am – Registration

10:40-11am – Morning Break

12:15 – 1:15pm – Lunch

3:00pm – Afternoon worship: Mon – Weds **

3:30pm – End of school day

** 9am Friday Celebration Assembly – Parents invited to join us in the hall.

At St Loys we endeavour to provide a happy, secure, calm and welcoming environment for all the pupils in our care and for the staff and others who are associated with us in many other ways.

At St Loys, we believe that everyone has the right…

  • to feel safe, cared for and respected
  • to be able to learn to the best of their ability and to develop whatever skills they possess
  • to be treated equally irrespective of gender, race, physical characteristics or any other factors
  • to learn and play without disruption.

 We expect everyone at St Loys:

  • to be responsible for their own behaviour
  • to respect the rights of others.

Individual class rules are created in collaboration with children at the beginning of the school year with decisions made as to which rules will assist learning and create a happy classroom environment. Children from each year group are also elected onto our School Council along with House Captains. Our school Houses are Earth, Wind, Fire, Water. Children are allocated a house, along with siblings and/or buddy’s where feasible and house points can be won in class and within intra-school sports competitions. we feel that this fosters a sense of belonging, team spirit and healthy competition with, and for others.

Children’s achievements are celebrated in our celebration assembly held every Friday. Parents are welcomed into school to share this. Rewards presented, include; ‘Pupil of the Week’ Cup, Reward Certificates, House points, and the opportunity to share their work with other staff and children.

School Lunch

Lunch is an important meal for everyone, especially our children, providing energy and nutrients to keep them going through the afternoon. We are fortunate to be able to  provide our children with a healthy ‘home-cooked’ meal each day with meals freshly prepared in our kitchen every day.

See Summer Term 6 Menu for meal choices. For a list of Allergens for these meals see here.

Meals can be booked via your Parent Mail account.

All pupils in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free meals under the Universal Infant School Meals Scheme. You can apply online for Free School Meals for older children in full-time education if you are in receipt of certain benefits on: or email to check eligibility.

Packed Lunches

Please click here to access St Loys Healthy Packed Lunch document. We actively encourage healthy choices in line with advice from The British Nutrition Foundation so that our children are provided with all the nutrients they need and enough energy to get them through the school day. The advice provided below is based on the governments ‘Eatwell Plate‘ so please try to include:

  • A good portion of starchy food, e.g. wholegrain roll, wraps or pitta pockets, pasta or rice.
  • A portion of lean meat, fish, egg, pulses or other non-dairy protein sources, e.g. chicken, ham, beef, tuna, egg, beans or hummus
  • Fruit or vegetables
  • A portion of semi-skimmed or 1% fat milk or other dairy food, e.g. reduced fat cheese, yogurt or Fromage Frais
  • A drink e.g. fruit juice, semi-skimmed or 1% fat milk, yogurt drink or a bottle of water. Drinking water is available throughout the lunchtime period.

Please do not include nut products in your child’s lunchbox.

St Loys Uniform



  • Grey St Loys Sweatshirt/Cardigan with logo. Red fleeces to be worn as an outside layer.
  • Red Polo Shirt
  • Grey Uniform Trousers or Shorts
  • Grey Socks – NOT white
  • Sensible black shoes – NOT trainers



  • Grey St Loys Sweatshirt/Cardigan with logo. Red fleeces to be worn as an outside layer
  • Red Polo Shirt
  • Grey Skirt/Pinafore/Uniform Trousers
  • Grey or Red socks or tights – NOT white
  • Sensible low-heeled black shoes NOT fashion shoes or trainers


  • Traditional appropriate school style red/white gingham dress – NOT striped
  • Red cardigan.
  • White socks
  • Sensible sandals or shoes NO open-toed or backless fashion shoes

No trainers please. Any wellington boots, fashion boots etc worn to school must be changed in the cloakroom for the appropriate school shoes.

HAIR. Please ensure where possible long hair is tied back.


Red shorts, white t-shirt with logo or without, gym shoes. All in a named shoe/PE bag and to be kept in school every day during the school week.


Summer: as above

Winter: Gym shoes, outdoor trainers, layers and tracksuit bottoms.


Girls: Traditional sports one piece bathing suit.

Boys: Traditional trunks NOT beach shorts (Rule of the pool).

All: Swimming hat. Verucca sock if necessary.


Uniform is ordered directly from School Trends. Please visit

There is no order deadline date. You can have the orders sent to school free of charge or direct to your home, orders over £50 are free, under £50 postage is £4.95. If you have a child at senior school that also uses School Trends, you can have both uniforms in the same order. Please ask at the office for more information.

Pre-loved uniform

We have a large supply of pre-loved uniform, shoes and school bags in our porch available for a nominal amount in support of Friends of St Loys. Please contact Mrs Thompson for payment via Parent Mail.