The child has one intuitive aim: self development

Newsletter 2, Autumn Term 2, 22-23

Dear Parents & Carers


Thank you to everyone who has made donations or purchased poppies and other items during the last two weeks. Your contributions will help to provide support via the Royal British Legion for members of the Armed Forces, veterans and their families. 

In school we have discussed the relevance and importance of remembrance with each of our classes and as well as exploring the historical relevance of Remembrance Sunday dating back to the end of the First World War. In Key Stage Two we have also given thought and prayers to those people still affected by war today. We have particularly shared prayers for soldiers and civilians caught up in the conflict in Ukraine. Our prayers are with everyone for whom war has impacted on their lives. 

Yesterday we were joined in church by Reverend Diane for a short moment of remembrance and prayer as each class laid their wreaths in front of the Weedon Lois memorial. We hope that those taking part in the church remembrance service will also reflect using our artistic creations for inspiration. The service in Church on Sunday 13th November commences at 10.45am. 

Today Hedgehogs and Squirrels showed respect and understanding as we joined the national remembrance through a minute of silence held at 11am. Badgers paid their respects at Brackley Pool along with the staff and members of the public who were also maintaining this important tradition.

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