The child has one intuitive aim: self development

Newsletter 4, Term 5, 12th May 2023


This week in school has been dominated by the national standardised assessment tests for Year 6 pupils. I must start by saying a huge THANK YOU to the wonderful team of staff and volunteers who have all supported the testing process this week. To everyone in school who has either helped to invigilate or who have taken care of my Year 5 pupils – I thank you all so much.   

Now to the stars of the show – YEAR 6 BADGERS, you have toiled and sweated and beavered away all year in preparation for this week of SATs and it has finally arrived…and then disappeared in a flash! Year 6, I understand how demanding the tests have been for you. The level of focus and concentration needed has required much stamina and determination. Recalling so many different facts, formulae and figures has been potentially your biggest challenge in your primary school journey – but you have all conquered and overcome! 

I am exceptionally proud of the way each and every one of you has approached this week of testing. You have been calm, organised and efficient. Your maturity has been evident throughout the sessions, and you have each been respectful of one another, understanding that everyone reacts to these circumstances in different ways.   

More details…

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