
Dear Parents & Carers The care and concern of our School Council should be recognised this week as they pledged £100 (+£25 Gift Aid) to help families struggling in Ukraine. The money has been donated via the Disasters Emergency Committee in conjunction with “First News” – a newspaper shared in school for primary aged children. Here we shared our love heart for Ukraine 
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Our School Value this term is: COMMUNITY Dear Parents & Carers As we end the week and look to start another in what seems no time at all, the news about Ukraine continues to be in our minds and in our hearts. Whilst the depth of understanding of this crisis varies from one class to another, our children fully appreciate that this is a 
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As part of our celebrations of all things books… we welcomed in ‘West End In Schools’ to run some workshops with our pupils, exploring Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in FS/KS1 and in Badgers class, Jungle Book.
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A PRAYER FOR UKRAINE As the current news about Ukraine is continuously evolving, you may be experiencing difficult questions from your children who may be feeling worried.  BBC’s Newsround is a good place to read about updates in a child friendly way, particularly if children are feeling upset by the news.  Please be assured that we are also talking to the children in school in 
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Our School Value this term is: COMMUNITY Christian community is an important aspect of life, it is important for our happiness and growth. It is important because God loves people and he knows that people need each other. He created us to live in community, giving and receiving support, which leads to generosity, gratitude and love. Today, we are thinking about friends and 
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Dear Parents & CarersHappily, most of our staff and children have returned to school this week and it has been good to hear that those of you still isolating are finally on the mend. Our week has been dominated by a growing understanding of mental health and a deeper delve into the many strategies of self-care that we must all prioritise 
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Dear Parents & Carers This week has certainly shown the caring spirit of St Loys and the love we all have for one another once again! It has felt a little like Groundhog Day as more children and staff have been isolating at home with Covid. I am hoping to be back in school on Monday providing I have two 
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Dear Parents & Carers This week, sadly, I missed out on the rocky road used to illustrate different types of rock in Mrs Watts’ science lesson!  However, I did get to play basketball with Badgers who have some wonderful skills. Connie L displayed excellent control, dribbling the ball at different heights and changing direction.  Congratulations also to Aggie who I understand may 
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Dear Parents & Carers This week we have welcomed a rather unusual new member to our St Loys family. It had been noted that “Malcolm” has spent much of the weekend visiting the school to see if it was right for him and then on Monday decided that it was time to join our school.  We were a little busy 
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Dear Parents & Carers This week I entered the classes at St Loys to discover a surprising growth of rainforest habitation. The creative trees that have sprouted look fabulous. I am now anticipating the arrival of parrots, sloths, monkeys and other creatures of the Amazon so be on your guard, you never know what might turn up! If you’ve seen our Facebook 
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